The Immune Supporting Benefits Of Vitamins C And D

If flu season has you searching far and wide for a magic bullet when it comes to protecting yourself from getting sick, then it is quite possible you have been told about the curing powers of vitamins C and D. Are these nutrients really all they are cracked up to be, though? Here is what you need to know about the immune supporting benefits of vitamins C and D:

Vitamins C and D, and their role in the immune system. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, is an essential antioxidant, whose function is to maintain healthy bones, muscles, and blood vessels. When consumed in higher than normal doses, Vitamin C appears to hinder cellular viral reproduction. Vitamin D, on the other hand, may help the immune system in other ways, although scientific research has not yet successfully provided us insight into how, exactly, it works.

Will vitamins C and D cure your flu? It seems that right now, the burning question is whether or not vitamins C and D will cure the flu, or possibly prevent it altogether. The simple answer is that, no, vitamins C and D cannot cure your flu. Vitamin C gained popularity as a cold remedy in the 1970s, when Dr. Linus Pauling reported his findings that large doses of the vitamin could lengthen the duration, severity, and occurrence of the common cold. Vitamin D jumped on the cold-curing bandwagon more recently, when several studies found a number of health conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and depression, were linked to Vitamin D deficiency. Unfortunately, there is very little scientific evidence to back up the idea that either Vitamin C or D will actually cure, or prevent, the flu. As a matter of fact, clinical trials studying the effects of Vitamin D on cold and flu viruses seem to indicate that this vitamin has absolutely no effect.

Should you be taking Vitamins C and D? The fact of the matter is, no matter what lack there is of scientific evidence to support the belief in these vitamins as a cold and flu cure, Vitamins C and D are just plain good for you - actually, essential to your body’s overall health and functioning. For that reason alone, you should make it a point to get your daily allowance of each.

If you aren’t getting enough of these vitamins in your daily food intake, then you should look into supplements. It is possible that if you are walking around with a deficiency of either of these vitamins, you are compromising your immune system. Therefore, when it comes to your health, it’s better safe than sorry, so stock up on these beneficial vitamins today.

About the Author: Mickey Miyazaki is a huge fan of supplementation and believes that vitamins C and D are both great for the immune system; and his recent ability to fend of colds. You should click here to learn more about his favorite high quality vitamins and why you should still be taking vitamins as an adult.

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