It’s not the coffee or caffeine. The secret is in the bean.

Roasted coffee beans Español: Granos de café t...

Roasted coffee beans Español: Granos de café tostado (natural). Bahasa Indonesia: Biji kopi alami yang telah disangrai. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Green Coffee has for some time been considered as a weight-loss break through, and has even sparked the interest of Dr. Oz. So what is all the hype on the green coffee bean about anyway?

“Green coffee” refers to the raw or unroasted seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits, which contain the weight loss agent- chlorogenic acid. Green Coffee, isn’t actually a beverage, instead it is in a pill form containing high levels in chlorogenic acid, and less caffeine then a cup of coffee. While roasting green coffee beans removes its naturally bitter taste, it also removes a significant portion of chlorogenic acid. This is the reason why, raw green coffee beans remain one of the best natural sources for chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid is a compound chemical and powerful antioxidant. It is the secret active ingredient in green coffee that helps your body burn fat faster, and also slows the release of glucose into the bloodstream after a meal. In addition chlorogenic acid activates the metabolism of extra fat, which helps burn fat faster. In order for Green Coffee products to be effective they must contain at least 45% of Chlorogenic acid.

The most attractive attribute of Green Coffee weight loss capsules, is consumers do not need to alter their diet or daily exercise routine to see results. In fact in multiple studies, participants were encouraged not to alter their eating habits or exercise. When the studies concluded, on average the participants lost 17 pounds. This equaled a total body weight loss of about 10 percent, without diet or exercise!

If you are considering taking green coffee bean, the recommended dosage is 400 mg, three times a day – 30 minutes before each meal. However, some clinical trials have also demonstrated success with 200 mg. When looking for a green coffee bean supplement; it should contain the chlorogenic acid extract, which can be listed as any of the following, GCA® (green coffee antioxidant) or Svetol®.

It is highly important when taking real Green Coffee products not only produce real results, but also protect the customer from any harmful ingredients. In using GCA, or Svetol formulas, users experienced no side effects when taking Green Coffee Extract properly.

Where can you find safe and effective Green Coffee products?

With the increase in popularity, Green Coffee products are available almost everywhere. Faced with too many options, it is hard to determine the real effective products from bogus could be harmful versions. The key is to read the ingredients, and purchase from a trustworthy retailer. Ensure ingredients include chlorogenic acid, which could be listed as GCA, or Svetol. However if ingredients are listed as “pure”, we suggest exercise caution and purchase a different brand.

Purchasing from a trustworthy sort, will help eliminate some doubts and hesitation consumers might have. A local health food store, can offer personal one on one advice, and can some guidance when determining the best, safe and effective Green Coffee. Also websites, that offer personal customer service, can valuable source in determining which products work best for you.

With the summer time quickly approaching, the sales in weight loss products are going to increase dramatically. There are some powerful and effective weight loss products which can assist you in achieving the beach body you want. However, use caution and read labels before you commit to any weight loss plan.

Suzanne Boleche is a Health & Beauty expert and is well known in her native Philippines for her generous heart and open spirit.

One Thought on “It’s not the coffee or caffeine. The secret is in the bean.

  1. Huda on July 3, 2024 at 12:04 am said:

    regarding weight loss products,how will i know if original or not… and where to buy slimming products..

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