Would You Eat a Placenta?

The placenta functions as an immunological bar...

The placenta functions as an immunological barrier between the mother and the fetus. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Would you eat your own placenta? Some women would willingly and happily do so. Unknown to many, a placenta contains nutritional benefits much needed by a new mom, specifically for her recovering body and emotional health. It helps prevent post-partum depression, alleviate mood swings and replenish much needed nutrients.

Placentophagy and You

For the uninitiated new mom, the thought of eating her placenta may be a stomach-churning idea. It has been the butt of jokes and skepticism brought about by misinformation.

Placentophagy, eating one’s placenta, is not as new age or controversial as people might think. For centuries, different cultures have made it customary to prepare a mother’s placenta for her to consume. The Chinese, Vietnamese, Italian and Hungarian women are some of those who have eaten some of or their entire placenta after giving birth.

They believe that eating it can aid in their recovery, specifically to stop hemorrhaging. It has been said to help alleviate or stop anxiety as well. Placentophagy is nothing new and should not be dismissed as mysticism. In fact, some traditional Chinese medicines contain this part of a woman’s body to help cure different ailments.

Benefits of Placentophagy

Women who have eaten their placenta have reported its health benefits. Here are some of them. Balances the hormone levels – The female body goes through a lot of stress during pregnancy and childbirth. The changes in hormone levels may lead to depression and anxiety. The most common emotional issue after childbirth is post-partum depression. Eating your placenta can even out hormone levels and help with mood swings. Furthermore, many have experienced fewer emotional problems after giving birth. Replenishes iron in the body – The placenta is a great source of iron. With childbirth, the body loses much of its iron. Consuming the placenta reintroduces iron in the body naturally.

Increases energy levels – Women have noticed a spike in their energy after consuming their placenta. Instead of feeling down or tired, they are fully invigorated and recharged.

Augments milk production – It is scientifically proven that eating this particular part of a woman’s body can help increase milk supply (Placenta as a Lactagogon;Gynaecologia 138: 617-627, 1954).

Placenta Encapsulation

Because they didn’t bother to ask their OB Gyne or research reliable websites, there are women who still believe that to gain the benefits of eating their own placenta, they would have to consume it raw. They surely haven’t heard of placenta encapsulation.

The process of placenta encapsulation entails sterilizing the specimen and then dehydrating it. After which, the dehydrated sample is ground to powder form and made into a capsule. Thus, eating your placenta would be similar to taking vitamins. Some service providers would steam the specimen to get rid further of any contaminants or bacteria. Blood and clots are removed prior to dehydration.


The specimen should be sent for encapsulation within 48 hours of childbirth. The longer it’s exposed to the elements, the more likely is the occurrence of contamination. Mothers are advised to have their placenta frozen to prevent degradation. Water births may be a problem for some service providers as this may expose the placenta to contaminants.

If you are still in doubt about Placentophagy, discuss the matter to your OB Gyne. Inform yourself by asking questions. There are also online forums that can guide you. Whether you go for it or not, it’s best that you know the truth.

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