As a mother of two, I’ve had the great privilege of experiencing the pregnancy process twice. Being pregnant is like being famous for 9 months. People open doors for you, let you cut in line, and (the best part) tell you that you look radiantly beautiful. (You do!) But when that bundle of joy enters the world and you finally look at yourself in the … Read More →
It’s not the coffee or caffeine. The secret is in the bean.
Green Coffee has for some time been considered as a weight-loss break through, and has even sparked the interest of Dr. Oz. So what is all the hype on the green coffee bean about anyway? “Green coffee” refers to the raw or unroasted seeds (beans) of Coffea fruits, which contain the weight loss agent- chlorogenic acid. Green Coffee, isn’t actually a beverage, instead it is … Read More →
What Low Calorie Diets Can Do For You
When many people hear the phrase low calorie diet, they immediately start imagining bland, tasteless and insipid food. However, the reality is different. A low calorie diet usually consists of 1200 calories per day from a strict list of foods. Depending on how the diet is prepared, you can still enjoy tasty food. Most low calorie diets consist of meat, vegetables, starch and fruits. … Read More →
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