Control Your Drinking Now With The Revolutionary Drink Less Mind

The Perfect Way to Reduce Your Alcohol Consumption

Do you ever worry that you drink too much? You’re not the only one, it’s a common concern for people all over the UK. The good news is you need worry no more, as the revolutionary Georgia Foster Drink Less Mind 21 Day Programme will change your life forever.

The Drink Less Mind is a fully downloadable and completely private online programme created by the world renowned leader in alcohol reduction therapy, Georgia Foster. As featured on Sky News, BBC radio, ITV and Cosmopolitan magazine, it has changed the lives of thousands of people worldwide and could begin to change yours today!

95% of people that have completed the Drink Less Mind have reduced their alcohol intake significantly in 21 days. These are people from all walks of life, whether you are a housewife (or husband), a banker, celebrity, teacher, entrepreneur or artist, this programme is for you.

Georgia Foster developed the Drink Less Mind after successfully treating thousands of clients for alcohol issues over the last 20 years. She wanted to create a programme that was accessible to people all over the world and was a cost effective alternative to therapy sessions (that can run in to the thousands). Now for the price of what some people would spend on a night of alcohol, you can change your life forever – with the added bonuses of becoming more healthy and saving money!

What are you waiting for?

For the special price of £49.95 you’ll receive over 14 hours of material over 21 unforgettable days, plus Georgia’s very exclusive Alcohol Free Days smart phone App. Read Georgia’s story and trial the Drink Less Mind for free with no obligation by clicking on this link: I want to learn how to stop drinking so much alcohol now.

One Thought on “Control Your Drinking Now With The Revolutionary Drink Less Mind

  1. bunnypudding on February 25, 2024 at 4:19 pm said:

    Great post! I’m sharing!

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