Valid Reasons Why People Choose Not To Cycle

Most days we will switch on the television and there will be a programme on explaining how we are all ruining the planet and something must be done straight away, rather than sitting back and thinking of switching your light bulbs to ‘energy saving’, why don’t you instead make that one big significant change that will not only make a difference to your own personal life but will also reduce your carbon footprint considerably.

There are many benefits of cycling on a regular basis, these include;

  • Healthier lifestyle
  • Less pollution is caused
  • It is usually much faster to cycle compared to travelling by car
  • Fewer costs – saving you money

So, we all know there are many benefits, but why don’t people choose to cycle then?


The first reason why people choose not to cycle is because the safety risks that are imposed on them. How many times have you been driving along and you spot a cyclist up in front of you, you know you should really slow down and basically come to a stop behind the cyclist, but instead you think ‘Grr, just go for it’ – you know the likeliness of you hitting the cyclist or an oncoming at the same time is quite unlikely, but you know if it wasn’t for your ‘high quality’ driving skills, there could of been a chance the cyclist would of not have been so lucky.

So you are more than happy to put that cyclist’s life at risk, so why wouldn’t other car drivers do the same to you? This is one reason why many people will choose not to cycle.


So you risked it, and decided to cycle for a day, the morning ride was nothing but invigorating and you have never felt so refreshed on a Monday morning, until you arrive at work and you cannot find an empty cycling bay to park up your bicycle.

Don’t get me wrong – parking a car can be just as stressful, but who wants to be walking around a rammed car park, feeling hot and sweaty in your fitted cycle suit carrying a bicycle around with you.

It is thought if schools and businesses invested more money into suitable and secure cycle racks and shelters, a large number of you will choose to cycle over driving.

Driving Is Over Simplified

A majority of people will choose not to cycle because it is simply too much effort, not only do you have to endure the long cycle to work, but think about it, you also have to get changed into cycle clothes, prepare some suitable work clothes to get changed into, check your bicycle is suitable and safe to ride, check all lights on the bicycle are working, the list is never ending.

But is it really that much of a hassle? Or have we just over simplified driving? If you put driving into the same context as you would riding a bicycle, you can make the driving option sound ten times worse as you have to face a number of different obstacles to get to your destination safely and on time.

Heather wanted to encourage her employees to cycle to work so she fitted some secure cycle racks on the business premesis. The cycle racks were provided by Falco. For more information on their cycling racks, please vist

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