There are several diseases that ail women and require immediate treatment. There are some diseases such as breast cancer or pelvic cancer that are common among women and can be treated if noticed early. Some diseases like the Polycycsitc Ovary syndrome are more common among Asian woman and affect a sizeable population. The first indicator of a poly-cystic ovary is delayed periods or the complete absence of the menstrual cycle. Secondary indicators include acne, and the unnatural development of hair on the face, neck etc. or hirsuteness. Patients suffering from this syndrome can also find it difficult to lose weight even though they may eat in moderation. The Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome may also lead to mood swings and infertility. Though the exact cause of this disease cannot be pinpointed, it may arise if there are any relatives who have Type II Diabetes or if there are some underlying problems with the thyroid. An Ultrasonography along with tests indicating thyroid levels generally reveals a poly-cystic ovary. While medication is available for this disease, normally, much of the symptoms disappear if the patient loses even 3-4 kgs. This may be possible by going on daily brisk walks for 30 minutes and limiting the intake of rice, potatoes and sweets.
Another common disease among women is breast cancer. If detected in its early stages, it is a highly curable disease. Lisa Ray, the actor, who was diagnosed with breast cancer, has now been rid of the disease and she continues to live a normal, healthy life. The most important way to diagnose cancer is to conduct monthly self-examinations of the breasts. The following images depict the correct procedure for doing so:
These examinations should be carried on regularly and any abnormality should be immediately clarified form a gynecologist. A Mammography should be conducted by all women above the age of 40 and even below. Breast cancer can strike each and every woman. If there is a painless lump in the breast or discharge from the nipples, show a doctor immediately.
For a healthy and satisfying reproductive life, women must avail of Family Planning options. This includes the use of effective contraceptive methods. While there are a wide variety of products to be used, the emergency contraceptive pill seems to be the most popular option. While this is a largely safe option, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist for a proper prescription. Another method is the usage of a diaphragm or a Copper-T which is inserted inside the vagina to prevent pregnancy. This can be inserted only by a certified doctor with the maintenance of proper hygiene. There are also a host of other contraceptive methods which can be found at the following site:
Women also need to be sensitized to the risks associated with unsafe abortions as well. A World Health Organization survey has revealed that approximately 21.6 million unsafe abortions occurred in 2008, mostly in developing countries. Women’s health is a growing area of concern and should not be neglected.
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