Tag Archives: Pain

Using a TENS Unit during Pregnancy


A TENS unit offers pain relief without the use of drugs that can be quite beneficial for women during labor or at any time they experience pain during pregnancy. TENS stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. A TENS unit is made up of a hand held controller connected to two sets of fine leads which run to four sticky pads which are placed around the Read More →

How to Protect Your Teeth in the Best Way


You will definitely agree on a pointy that nobody will be able to concentrate on his work if he is suffering from toothache. Toothache is perhaps the most painful amongst all. There is no doubt that the teeth get worse due to our carelessness. If we remain careful to our teeth then it won’t get damaged anyway. We don’t brush up our teeth properly. As Read More →

Ways to Get the Best Dental Care

dental care

It is fact that we avoid to visit the dentist as we get afraid to face them. We think that treating dental problem is very painful and we staring missing the appointing of the dentist. There is a huge misconception regarding the treatment procedure of the dentist. Sometimes the doctors suggest their patients to go for an operation. But the patients try to avoid the Read More →